Sapphic/Inclusive Lesbian Pride Bacteriophage now available!

Hey everyone! I’m back (kinda) with a new Pride flag bacteriophage for your delight and delectation! Say hello to the sapphic/inclusive lesbian phage! *cheers and applause*

I chose to use this colour scheme — Lydia’s Sappho-inspired inclusive lesbian flag, with colour order suggested by Maya Kern — rather than the prevalent orange-and-pink flags for a few reasons:

  • First, the orange-and-pink flags in general have a history that might kindly be described as ‘highly chequered’ at best, with plagiarism, racism, transphobia and a focus on femininity that excludes m-spec folks who identify as lesbian being among the issues. I wished to sidestep all of those.
  • Second, the orange-and-pink flags are liable to look different on different types of computer monitor, making it harder for potential customers to get an accurate idea of what the final product looks like. The colour scheme is also difficult and expensive to replicate in a physical medium.
  • Third, I really like this Sappho-inspired colour scheme and the meanings attached to the colours! Purple/violet for sapphic love, pink for fragility, yellow for strength and green for healing (did you know that burnt dill seeds used to be used as a treatment for wounds?), taken from a verse by Sappho describing the speaker’s lover as having “all the violet tiaras, braided rosebuds, dill and crocus twined around your young neck” — beautiful imagery, no?

Promoting this phage with the Magnet product option ‘cos they look cool and I don’t think I’ve picked that one before ^^

Relevant links:

‘Sapphic’ on the LGBTQIA+ wiki:

‘Lesbian’ on the LGBTQIA+ wiki:

‘A Lesbian Flag For Everyone’ article on Medium (accessed via Web Archive):

Tumblr post by same author as above link:

NerdyKeppie blog post on why they use this sapphic flag: (side note: you should absolutely check out NerdyKeppie! They have so much cool stuff in so many queer pride designs — and the dresses and skirts have POCKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)